What Makes Alchemy63 Different?

Science Meets Spirit

Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/Activedia-665768/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=764930">Okan Caliskan</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=764930">Pixabay</a>Nikola Tesla said that if you wish to understand the Universe, think of Energy, Frequency, and Vibration. Everything in the universe has a vibrating frequency, properly called a resonant frequency.

Every one of Alchemy63's products are formulated using scientific principles of physics and biochemistry, as well as the application of Rife Resonant Frequency spectroscopy (the science behind raising vibrating frequencies, both inside the body and out).

The Scientific Process: (Patent-pending Application):

 -Purified, restructured water through copper tensor ring technology, used in creation of all 'wearable healing' products and essential oil synergy elixir sprays

-Frequency Spectrometry: Using a Rife Resonance Generator machine and a dynamic radio-band carrier, I infuse frequency waves deep into the structures of all the materials used to make Alchemy63 healing products; including: Jewelry metal alloys, copper, silver, gold, crystals and natural gemstones, essential oils, resin, and more. I am then able to measure and calibrate the vibrating frequencies of these materials to an average Hz of 63: considered optimal for both physical cells as well as for the energetic vibrations we emanate everyday.